March 22, 2023


As a blogger, crafting powerful and engaging titles is crucial for attracting readers and improving your website’s search engine ranking. However, creating SEO-friendly and attention-grabbing blog titles can be challenging, especially when you are new to the game.

In this post, we will provide you with six proven guidelines for creating blog titles that will improve your website’s visibility, generate more clicks and drive traffic to your blog.

1. Keep it Short and Sweet:

One of the most important things to keep in mind when creating blog titles is to keep it short and sweet. Google truncates titles after 60 characters, so aim to keep it within that limit. A shorter title can be easy to read, scan, and comprehend, which can help capture the reader’s attention. However, don’t sacrifice crucial information for the sake of brevity.

READ MORE:  "7 Simple Guidelines for Crafting an Irresistible & SEO-Friendly Blog Title"

Consider this example; “How to Cook Delicious Pasta in under 30 Minutes” is a more compelling title than “Quick Pasta Cooking Tips.”

2. Use Numbers and Lists:

People love lists. Using numbers and lists in your blog title can help generate clicks and improve your website’s search engine ranking. Studies show that headlines with numbers in them have a higher click-through rate than those without.

For example, “10 Life-Changing Tips for Time Management” is more engaging than “Managing your Time Effectively.”

3. Utilize Strong Adjectives and Verbs:

Utilizing strong adjectives and verbs can create a strong impact on your reader’s emotions and help create a sense of urgency. Words like “Amazing,” “Surprising,” “Powerful,” or “Effective” can add value to the blog title.

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Using strong verbs can create a sense of action and urgency. Words like “Discover,” “Master,” “Unleash,” or “Crush” makes the reader feel compelled to read the post.

For example, “Discover the Powerful Benefits of Meditation” is more compelling than “Meditation for Beginners.”

4. Address the Reader’s Pain Point:

Your readers are looking for solutions to their problems. It’s essential to identify their pain points and create a blog title that addresses those problems.

For example, “Solve Your Acne Problems with These Simple Tips” is more compelling than “Tips for Clear Skin.”

5. Use Keywords:

Using relevant keywords in your blog title can improve your website’s visibility and search engine ranking. Incorporating long-tail keywords and their synonyms can help you rank for more specific search queries.


However, make sure to use the keyword naturally and do not stuff the title with keywords. For example, “The Ultimate Guide to Beginning a Fitness Journey” is more relevant than “Fitness Journey Tips You Need to Know for Beginners.”

6. Make it Unique and Memorable:

Creating a unique and memorable blog title can help your content stand out from the crowd. Using puns, metaphors, and asking questions can create a more memorable title.

For example, “How to Survive the Zombie Apocalypse with your Cat” is a more engaging title than “Surviving a Zombie Apocalypse.”


Q1. Is it necessary to use numbers and lists in blog titles?
A1. No, it is not necessary, but research shows that using numbers and lists in blog titles can help generate more clicks and improve your website’s search engine ranking.

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Q2. Can I use multiple long-tail keywords in a blog title?
A2. Yes, you can use multiple long-tail keywords and their synonyms in your blog title. But make sure not to stuff the title with too many keywords.

Q3. How to know which keywords to use in the blog title?
A3. You can use keyword research tools to find relevant keywords related to your blog post.

Q4. How to make the blog title unique and memorable?
A4. You can use puns, metaphors, or ask questions in your blog title to make it unique and memorable.

Q5. Can I use clickbait titles for my blog post?
A5. Avoid using clickbait titles at all costs, as it will only lead to a poor user experience.

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Q6. Can I change the blog title after publishing the post?
A6. Yes, you can change the blog title after publishing the post, but make sure to update the URL, meta-description, and any internal links that might be affected.

Q7. Do I have to follow all six guidelines when creating a blog title?
A7. Following all guidelines can help improve your website’s visibility and generate more clicks. However, don’t sacrifice the content’s quality for the sake of the title.


Crafting SEO-friendly and attention-grabbing blog titles is a crucial aspect of blogging. By following the six proven guidelines, you can create titles that generate clicks and improve your website’s search engine ranking.

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Remember to keep your blog title short and sweet, use numbers and lists, utilize strong adjectives and verbs, address the reader’s pain points, use keywords, and make it unique and memorable.

By using these guidelines, you can create blog titles that attract readers, improve your website’s visibility, and drive traffic to your blog! So what are you waiting for? Start crafting your blog title today!

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