March 28, 2023


Writing a good title is like creating the perfect dish. You need to add the right ingredients in the correct proportions to make it stand out from the crowd. A title is not just a few words; it’s the first impression your readers will get of your content. A great title will make your readers want to click and learn more, but a poor one can turn them off. In this blog post, we will explore seven guidelines to help you master the art of writing titles that will boost your rankings and grab your reader’s attention.

1. Keep it Short and Sweet

Short and sweet titles work best. They are easy to read, remember, and share. Long titles tend to get truncated in Google search results, which is never a good thing. Try to keep your titles under 60 characters so that they can be read in full.

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2. Use Numbers and Statistics

Adding numbers and statistics to your title is a sure-shot formula for success. Research shows that readers are drawn to titles that include numbers. They help to add clarity and structure to your content, making it easier to digest.

3. Use Action-Oriented Words

Action-oriented words can do wonders for your title. Rather than using weak verbs like “to be” or “is,” go for stronger ones that convey action and purpose. Verbs like “master,” “discover,” and “unleash” make your content sound more exciting and engaging.

4. Use Emotional Trigger Words

Emotions are incredibly powerful. People are drawn to content that evokes some emotional response. Using emotional trigger words like “surprising,” “heartfelt,” “inspirational,” and “shocking” can instantly make your content more appealing.

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5. Make it Relevant

Your title should reflect what your content is all about. It should be relevant, enticing, and informative. Make sure your title accurately reflects the content of your post. Readers should be able to get a sense of what they will learn by clicking on the link.

6. Use Keywords

Keywords are crucial for SEO. They help search engines understand what your content is all about. Using the right keywords in your title can help boost your rankings, making it easier for readers to find your content. But don’t stuff your title with too many keywords; it will make it look spammy.

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7. Test and Measure

A/B testing is a great way to measure the effectiveness of your titles. Create two versions of your title, run them simultaneously, and see which one performs best. You can then use the better-performing title for your final post.


1. Why are titles so important for SEO?
Titles are important for SEO because they tell search engines what your content is all about. If your title includes relevant keywords, it can help boost your rankings in search results.

2. How can I create a compelling title for my blog post?
To create a compelling title, keep it short, use numbers, action-oriented words, emotional trigger words, and relevant keywords. Make sure your title accurately reflects the content of your post.

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3. Should I include my brand name in my blog post title?
It depends. If your brand name is well-known and recognizable, including it in your title can help with brand awareness. But if your brand name is not well-known, it may not add any value to your title.

4. Can I change my blog post title after publishing it?
Yes, you can change your blog post title after publishing it. But make sure you update any links or social media posts that refer to the original title.

5. What is A/B testing?
A/B testing is a method of comparing two versions of a web page or email against each other to see which one performs better. It involves showing two versions of a page to users at random and analyzing their behavior to determine which one is better.

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6. What are emotional trigger words?
Emotional trigger words are words that evoke an emotional response. Examples include “surprising,” “heartfelt,” “inspirational,” and “shocking.”

7. How many keywords should I include in my title?
Avoid too many keywords in your title as it makes it look spammy. One or two relevant keywords should be enough to help with SEO.


Writing a great blog title is an art, but it’s an art that can be mastered with some practice and dedication. Using these seven guidelines, you can create titles that will grab your reader’s attention and boost your search engine rankings. Remember to keep your title short, use numbers, emotional trigger words, and relevant keywords. Test and measure different versions of your title to see what works best. And most importantly, always keep your readers in mind when writing your title. With these tips and tricks, your title will stand out from the crowd and draw in readers like never before. So go ahead and start crafting your next killer title today!

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